Key West at Last
We arrived in Key West just before dawn on April 29. We pulled up to the fuel dock at the Conk Marina and waited for the store to open so that we could fuel up. While we were waiting, we filled the water tank which went dry during the night from the Dry Tortugas.
Once we had a full tank of fuel, we headed back out to the public anchorage and claimed our spot among the hundreds of other boats anchored. There were boats of all shapes and sizes in the anchorage. Some were pristine and others looked like they may sink over night, but we all had a common interest – a love of the sun, sea, and the easy life! Once we had the boat put away, we dropped the dinghy in the water and headed to town to explore. I had a list of supplies I needed to affect repairs and the crew needed some “shore” time.
Key West is an eclectic community to say the least. It is a town that celebrates the odd and distrusts outsiders – yet they need tourism to survive. Among the thousands of trinket and t-shirt shops, there are some really interesting restaurants, shops, and bars. I love it here!
Between trips in to town, we spent time getting the boat back in order again after a tough gulf crossing. Tom and Bill were scheduled to leave on May 1 and Jon was scheduled to leave on May 2. All were unlucky enough to have to go back to work in San Antonio! Michelle arrived in the afternoon on May 1 – Finally! Michelle and I have spent a couple of days wandering around Key West and enjoying the show. Tomorrow morning (May 4), we’ll leave for the Dry Tortugas (I have to share them with her!) and from there, we’re not sure where we’ll go, but you can be sure that we’ll have fun!